Welcome to the second part of my Mama Slay List, a compendium of kick ass New Year goals, tips and resolutions by a bunch of kick ass mamas. If you missed Part 1, check it out here.
EMMA CARR, Personal Stylist, Wardrobe and Image Consultant, CRAVE PERSONAL STYLING

In a world that is becoming every more frantic it’s getting harder and harder to be ‘present’, especially when you’re a working mama – there’s always something to do, somewhere to be. I must confess as someone that’s a bit of a perfectionist and planner I’ve always had trouble with this, but it became very noticeable over the course of last year that I needed to look at some of my habits.
I’m not big on “New Year Resolutions”, I always think you’re setting yourself up for a fall waiting until the clock strikes midnight to start making changes, so I started laying the foundations ‘to be more present in 2017’, in the final weeks of last year. I switched off all the notifications on my phone, removed all my social media apps from the home screen and took regular breaks from posting, all of which I felt the benefits of immediately.
I’ve also invested in a Danielle La Porte Deisre Map weekly planner, which is a weekly diary that incorporates your soul and your to-do list; your gratitude and your goals; your deepest desires with your day-to-day, because there’s nothing like seeing things in black and white to help us focus and be present. The truth is I’m not going to be turning into the Dali Lama anytime soon, but it’s the smallest changes that can make the biggest difference and when you think about it the only thing we can be certain of is now – so we should all be making the most of it.”

It feels as if the last few years have been a struggle. I’ve somehow lost myself in the notion of what a good mother means. Recently a lightbulb came on and I gave myself a mental kick up the bum and just decided to stop being so hard on myself. No one is perfect so why even try? It’s easier to be yourself then try to be someone you’re not. If the people around you can’t deal with that, then they’re not your people!
So, my New Years resolution for 2017 is to LIVE. By live I mean live life to the fullest, to do more of what I enjoy and less of doing things to please others. I’m on a path to happiness and only want positivity and good vibes on the way.

SELF. CARE. I cannot stress this enough. You can’t pour from an empty cup and too often we run on fumes whilst trying to build our empires and raise the future. Every morning I set my alarm for 5AM, and with a bit of luck this usually gives me on average two hours where I can grab a couple of coffees and listen to music. Music is my therapy, without it I wilt. So every morning I try my hardest to get some solo time with my ear phones and a coffee cup in hand before my toddler wakes, this allows me to get into a good head space for the day.
Have you got any resolutions for this year or tips on how to slay it? Why not share them in the comments below?
Yvadney x
I’ve linked up with Share the Joy I In the Mix I Saturday Share Link Up I #BeInspired I #BrillBlogPosts I Dream Team
Fabulous post Yvadney! Some really great insights and thoughts to start the year off right. Thank you for linking up to #sharethejoy if you could add the Share the Joy badge to every post linked up that would be awesome! Lizzie xo
I love these! My thing for 2017, is work smarter not harder/longer. I know that when I hit my peak working hours I can get a lot done, yet I found myself, trying to churn things out – because I felt like I had to, not because it would be my best work. So far (haha day 4), I feel like I have got my next month under control in terms of my blog, instagram and for the clients I work with. I’ve even found space to cook with the kids and take photographs! Hurrah for this Mama Slay list, so much positivity. Thanks for linking up!
Yaas, sounds like you’re smashing it. Whether it’s day 4 or 364 – thank you for hosting xx
Loving this! I went to check out the planner, but it’s sold out (sob)! All about more self care this year, too. So important xx
Oh no! Well you can take the principles of it to heart – xx
Great post. I see I am not the only one that sometimes gets too busy to think about myself. SELF CARE. Should be my word for 2017. #dreamteam
Self care is the only way to survive motherhood intact, but always bottom of the list eh? Thanks for checking this post out x
Brilliant inspirational tips for the new year! I keep toying with the idea of switching off notifications on my phone and I really should as I constantly feel like I’m a slave to social media. Self care is so critical and such a fantastic thing to embrace as a resolution. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at #DreamTeam. x
Thank you, I have started doing that since putting this post up. It’s great as I’m a bit of an addict really. Thank you for hosting xx