To all these celebrities going makeup free, I salute you. Rather then having your ‘off’ days plastered across the covers of heat, you’re owning your natural state with #NoMakeUpSelfies Welcome to my world! This mama, the lady who used to go for it daily, so often goes days without any slap on. Now, I’m sure I’m not alone here, so I thought I’d share my tips on how to look good without make-up.
The reason I started going au naturel, is because as a mum, most often I have no choice. With the kids, especially Lolo’s just-as-we-get-to-the-front-door-poo-shenanigans, I just don’t have the time. Yes I know I recently showed off my 1 minute makeup challenge, but sometimes every second counts and a minute you have not. However,increasingly it’s because, as I embrace my state of not giving a crap what people think of me, I just want to give my skin a rest, a little time to…breath.
“With the kids, especially Lolo’s just-as-we-get-to-the-front-door-poo-shenanigans, I just don’t have the time.”
I’m no Alicia Keys here, who has recently announced her decision to live sans les cosmetics. I don’t believe in doing extremes, but I can see the power in owning your bare face. It’s not that I don’t want to wear make up, I love it. I have loads of good stuff. I love the transformation make up can do, from flicks and smokey eyes, to colourful lips, and gold eyeliner on my bottom lids. I know my face comes to life with a little bit of something and know the power of red lipstick on a bad day.

I just believe make-up should be used as an enhancer rather then a mask and you won’t know what you’re working with, until you’ve experienced the ‘real’ you. I wasn’t allowed to wear make up until I was 15 years old. Even then, I was only allowed to wear brown eyeliner, clear mascara (does that even exist anymore?) and clear lipgloss. So the nude-look then. You know what? I will do the same thing with Lolo, I want her to enjoy her skin, enjoy her beautiful face and own it.
“I just believe make-up should be used as an enhancer rather then a mask and you won’t know what you’re working with, until you’ve experienced the ‘real’ you.”
Just over a month ago, my skin was sallow, dull, lined and I had really dry patches on my cheeks and lips. However, over the past few weeks I’ve paid serious attention to my skin and the results are paying off. Bear in mind here, I have problematic skin, frequent outbreaks of eczema and very dry skin. Yet, I’m glowing, I have a sheen, my dark circles are more of a medium brown now and my skin feels soft and smooth. This is with MG resurrecting his middle of the night wake ups for thirst, monsters under the bed or needing a huggle.
“Yet, I’m glowing, I have a sheen, my dark circles are more of a medium brown now and my skin feels soft and smooth.”
So whether your hands are forced by motherhood or you want to give your skin a break, here are my tips on looking your best au naturel.
STOP! Don’t click away just yet. I’m not going to tell you what not to eat, but I will stress that your skin is the biggest organ on your body and it gets fed from the inside so much more then the outside. So, if you want to have great skin, feed it with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and good oils (from nuts and oils).
Try and have a green smoothie every now and then or throw some dark berries in your cereal or porridge in the morning. Allow yourself at least one opportunity a day to eat something fresh and vitamin rich.
“I’m not going to tell you what not to eat, but I will stress that your skin is the biggest organ on your body and it gets fed from the inside so much more then the outside.”
I’ve really struggled over the motherhood years with this one. There has been far too much caffeine consumed to keep me going without realising that caffeine dehydrates you, so you need to be over compensating with water. I’m not going to say you need to drink x litres of water a day, but I will say you want your wee too look clear and not tangoed, get those toxins flushed out!
I start my days now with a big glass of water and then keep refilling my water bottle, so it’s to hand throughout the day. When I’m over water, I have a green tea or chamomile tea (this flower is really good for the skin), a great way to up my water levels. {Note to pregnant on breastfeeding mums to double check the recommended guidelines of herbal teas safe to drink}
“There has been far too much caffeine consumed to keep me going without realising that caffeine dehydrates you, so you need to be over compensating with water.”
I had an amazing session with Made By Pure Hands (massage and aromatherapy) a month ago. Vanessa, gave me some good tips on some of the supplements I should start taking to help my skin. I coupled those with some others I discovered in my research and now take daily:
- Flaxseed Oil or Omega rich oil
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- Multivitamins
- Hyaluronic Acid
The reason I’m not on the pill is because I was so forgetful, I would miss days. If I don’t take my vitamins in the morning when I’m giving the kids theirs’ it won’t happen.
So, the inside is sorted, the final part is, of course, what you put on your skin. I believe in the power of cleansing and rich night oils. I’ve been pretty bad at cleansing at night time, but have been making a point of using a good cleansing oil every night.
Cleansing at night completely rids my skin of any trace of makeup, sweat and dirt and gives it a chance to breath. My absolute favourites are the B.Pure Micellar Oil and Beauty Kitchen Abyssinian Oil Facial Cleansing Balm which you can literally wipe off with a damp cotton wool pad, so is an amazing time saver.
The next step is a rich night time oil, like Kiehls Midnight Oil or simply coconut oil, which can penetrate your skin while you slumber, seriously hydrating your skin.
I make sure I do a face mask once a week now. I love my face sheets (I have a recent post on them here) but also rapid masks, that take 5 minutes to get the job done while I shower.
“I believe in the power of cleansing and rich night oils.”
My husband and I recently enjoyed a spa break where we spent a total of 7 hours going in and out of steam rooms and saunas. In the space of 2 days our skin looked luminous and all of the toxins were completely flushed out. It reminded me how in my pre-mummy days, I used to spend an hour a week in the sauna and steam room after the gym.
Now I know for most of us, that idea is a fantasy, but try and allow yourself an hour once a month in a steam room, or even with your head over a bowl of hot water and you’ll see how good you can look face naked.
“In the space of 2 days our skin looked luminous and all of the toxins were completely flushed out.”
Would you go makeup free? Do you go makeup free? If so, what are some of your tips?
Yvadney x
Linking up with #SaturdayShareLinkUp and #MumsThatSlay
You’re gorgeous! I love it when people go make up free. I probably do it 2-3 times a week, when I wear makeup its nothing too heavy. I don’t want people get a huge shock when they see me with none lol
Same, even when I do wear makeup I really try to keep it light. Thank you for your kind comments. Yvadney x
You’re gorgeous! I love it when people go make up free. I probably do it 2-3 times a week, when I wear makeup its nothing too heavy. I don’t want people get a huge shock when they see me with none lol #dreamteam
You’re skin looks really lovely! (I’m still not going makeup free, I’d be sad). Xx
Thank you. Ok well can you do a great post on getting the look? That’s an art in itself. Xx
This is inspiring – I occasiionally go make up free but must do it more often. There’s something quite freeing about the natural look…Thanks for linking up to #DreamTeam, apologies for the late commenting this week! xx
Thank you and thank you for hosting xx
You look fantastic! I do think vitamins, hydration and a good moisturiser go a long way in helping have good skin! So many fantastic tips here! #MarvMondays
Exactly it’s inside as well as out x
Wow. I’m not sure I’m brace enough to ditch the tinted moisturiser. But you look beautiful.
Wow! I’m not sure I’m brace enough to ditch the tinted moisturiser but you look beautiful. #marvmondays
Thanks Catherine, try it, give your skin a little breather. Although tinted moisturiser is fabby! x
I’m the same -never used to leave the house without it on but I’ve chilled out massively in the past couple of years! #marvmondays
It’s nice being able to chill right? Thanks so much for commenting x
I have to admit I’ve never been bothered about make up and would often go out with no makeup. If I had nowhere special to go, I’d often go auto natural. I think since becoming a mum I wear make up more because I’m more conscious of my tired face. However I do still have days I don’t bother and I love it as my skin does feel so much better! We have a spa day coming up so I’m looking forward to a good steam! #MarvMondays
Ohh, enjoy your spa day mama. Thanks for your comment x
I don’t wear any make up at home, but I won’t leave the house without my mascara. It’s the only thing that makes me look like I’ve actually had an hour of sleep! I agree tho that more women should feel confident being bare faced and I’m a firm believer that half of women’s skin troubles are from wearing a lot of make up! #MarvMondays
Thank you Amie, it’s funny, i actually haven’t worn mascara for at least a year, but then always marvel at how amazing it is. xx